Dear Pascal,
What comes first to my mind is that / will miss vou at Energlzer.
I think you were a perfect example of the company values:
Passion – « to be the best»
Integrity – « do the right thing»
Respect – « value differences»
Teamwork – None team »
Initiative – « lead by example»
Your expertise and your permanent availability to answer tricky questions was high and working with you on projects has proven to be easy.
Otherwise I am proud to say 1 was able to be better than you in sports … on the ski slop had no chance to compete with vou.
I will also stop feeling ashamed in group dinners when I order red meat with pasta rath (white and without sauce … ) with vegetables (organic and fresh … ) … useless to talk about.
I am afraid for my Body Mass Index evolution from now on !
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours and I am confident you will succeed,
And now let’s celebrate with sparkling … water … oops Champagne this time !
Dilip P., Directeur Marketing Europe.
Secteur : biens de consommation. Groupe international
Bien sûr, comme tous, je saluerais d’abord, ton endurance et ta persévérance, 2 qualités qui t’ont conduit sur les chemins du monde et t’ont permis de garder en surface des sujets parallèles que d’autres auraient enfouis. Savoir resté constant dans l’effort au long cour est une mission particulièrement difficile, que tu as réussie avec Brio. Si je pourrais aussi vanter les connaissances techniques que tu as partagées avec le groupe et ses partenaire du recyclage, j’ai surtout envie de mettre en lumière et garder en souvenir deux attraits de ta personnalité que j’ai trouvés remarquables: tout d’abord tes qualités pédagogiques que tu as su développer sur les terrains du Lean, les practices de golf a Colorado Springs ou les chemins de la région parisienne; tantôt à l’écoute, tantôt coach, toujours humble, tu n’as pas ton égal pour te placer à l’écoute des équipes, et ainsi les aider et les encourager. Ensuite, je veux saluer ton immense génie créatif et fantaisiste, et sans hésitation, je te décerne les palmes de la créativité Energizer: je t’ai découvert en « Showman ou téléphone et à la Guitare » au CCL, je t’ai retrouvé en Savant Créatif du Cycle de vie des produits en Chatou Meeting; ton imagination semble sans limite pour le bonheur de tes collègues que tu as su maintenir impliqués. Certains te verront Capitaine d’Industrie, D’autres coureurs de Fond; moi, je garderai l’image d’un Grand Navigateur, Capable de voir Loin, capable de voir Autrement, Capable de voir tout simplement. Non, Bien sûr, pas marin sur les eaux, mais Navigateur de Montgolfière Façon Tim Burton, libre dans les airs ! Alors, monsieur le navigateur que les vents vous soient bons ! (et peut être à Bientôt dans les chemins boueux de la région parisienne !)
Anne-Sophie G., Directrice commerciale Europe du Sud.
Secteur : Hygiène et Beauté. Groupe international
The thing I always come back to when I think about Pascal is his unshakeable positive attitude and a belief that we can find a way forward through problems and seize opportunities. He has been such an important member of the LTE during our journey following Afterburner as we created a new organisation and built a new vision for our business. He has been totally committed to this project and has brought a discipline and clarity of thinking that has been important in joining up all the different aspects. In particular, I have really appreciated his support as we have tried to bring a programme management discipline to the organization. He and I sit on opposite sides of the Insights color wheel but I have always had huge respect for his cool blue energy and what he brings as person and I think we have worked really well together. I will miss that support.
Of course, (and l’m sure like many others) I have to mention Pascal’s total dedication to his athletic endeavours. There are two particular stories that come to mind. The first was him telling me about starting an Iron Man challenge in a Norwegian fjord by being dropped in the sea before dawn from a boat and swimming towards a bonfire lit on the beach completely bonkers ! The second is when we had our first LTE session on Innovation with What If and we were staying at a hotel in London and Pascal had his coach send him a specific training plan matched to the exact size of the swimming pool. That’s real professionalism!
Ali the very best for the next phase of your career.
Phil A., HR and OD (organisation developement) EMEA
Secteur : biens de consommation. Groupe international
Dear Pascal
It is a shame to be writing this letter, but then times are changing and people will move on. I am sure that many of our colleagues will have written about four commitment and passion for whatever You do. I also believe that many will comment on how Vou have lived the Energizer
values to the full and have also inspired many others to do likewise.
There are two things that stick in my memory most. Firstly, You were always able to take a creative and sometimes fun approach to some serious and complex subjects if it helped get the message across and win over your audience. I have been trying to copy that style (with far less success) for a number of years !
The second event happened just shortly after this picture was taken. We had been skiing all day, we were all very tired, or so I thought, and it was late afternoon. We were in the bus on the way back to the hotel, looking forward to relaxing and recovering from from a hard day’s skiing. Then I noticed that you were taking your ski clothes off. Strange, I thought to myself, but I just thought it might be a French tradition. Then I realized that You had put on your running gear instead. We asked Phil to stop the van as you wanted to run the the final 10 kms back to the hotel. There is only one word for that……. CRAZY !!!
Wishing you all the best in whatever you do. You will be missed.
Kind regards
Max C., Private Label Sales EMEA
Secteur : Hygiène et Beauté. Groupe international
It has been a great pleasure to work with Pascal. He has the vision. He is not only a system expert but he is also able to see where we can go, and which are the enhancements really useful for the company in that moment and in that area. He sees beyond.
He is very effective, you know that if an issue will be assigned to him, the issue will be solved.
He is also a great manager, he works with you and give you regular feedback, not a lot of manager have such a constructive behavior.
I really look forward to work with him again in the future.
Nadia T., Head of Controllership
Secteur : Conseils Finances et Droit. Groupe international
Pascal FRANCHET fut une rencontre marquante et enrichissante pour moi, challenger dans l’âme, c’est un homme d’action passionné, persévérant, réaliste qui a une bonne capacité d’analyse et à l’écoute d’autrui.
Manuel B., Freelance Coach sportif
txt anglais
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut congue mauris consectetur dictum tristique. In felis nulla, faucibus nec nisi ut, iaculis ultrices risus. Donec sed tortor sit amet tellus consectetur tempus vel vel lorem. Pellentesque lectus urna, aliquet eu leo non, pellentesque blandit nulla. Integer rutrum metus bibendum tristique rutrum. Nulla mollis gravida tincidunt. Pellentesque ut fringilla turpis, in ullamcorper leo. Donec tortor arcu, venenatis sit amet auctor eu, consequat a arcu. Praesent hendrerit, risus id iaculis posuere, nibh lectus ornare urna, vitae venenatis purus dui nec lorem. Ut vel gravida eros. Nam at iaculis mi.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec at nisi commodo, pellentesque nibh ut, consectetur nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque tincidunt cursus mi, id sodales nibh interdum vitae. In tristique metus vel tortor ultricies, et sagittis est sollicitudin. Ut lorem nunc, placerat vulputate volutpat vestibulum, molestie nec nibh. Cras ut tempor tellus, a hendrerit leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.