The thing I always come back to when I think about Pascal is his unshakeable positive attitude and a belief that we can find a way forward through problems and seize opportunities. He has been such an important member of the LTE during our journey following Afterburner as we created a new organisation and built a new vision for our business. He has been totally committed to this project and has brought a discipline and clarity of thinking that has been important in joining up all the different aspects. In particular, I have really appreciated his support as we have tried to bring a programme management discipline to the organization. He and I sit on opposite sides of the Insights color wheel but I have always had huge respect for his cool blue energy and what he brings as person and I think we have worked really well together. I will miss that support.
Of course, (and l’m sure like many others) I have to mention Pascal’s total dedication to his athletic endeavours. There are two particular stories that come to mind. The first was him telling me about starting an Iron Man challenge in a Norwegian fjord by being dropped in the sea before dawn from a boat and swimming towards a bonfire lit on the beach completely bonkers ! The second is when we had our first LTE session on Innovation with What If and we were staying at a hotel in London and Pascal had his coach send him a specific training plan matched to the exact size of the swimming pool. That’s real professionalism!
Ali the very best for the next phase of your career.
Phil A., HR and OD (organisation developement) EMEA